AI Chat
Chat securely with top-tier AI Models. Enjoy multi-user support and end-to-end encryption for all your conversations.
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1. Install OpenKBS CLI:
npm install -g openkbs
2. Create and enter project directory:
mkdir my-agent && cd my-agent
3. Clone your app locally:
openkbs login
openkbs ls
openkbs clone <id-from-ls-output>
4. Initialize Git repository:
git init && git stage . && git commit -m "First commit"
5. Add new features:
openkbs modify "Implement new command getBitcoinPrice(days) that returns price history from CoinGecko API" src/Events/actions.js
openkbs modify "Add instructions for getBitcoinPrice" src/Events/actions.js app/instructions.txt
6. Review changes and deploy to OpenKBS:
git diff
openkbs push
7. Test your customization:
Go to chat and ask: "Analyze the price of Bitcoin"
The applications provided through OpenKBS are developmental blueprints and are intended solely as starting points for software engineers and developers. These open-source templates are not production-ready solutions.
Before any production deployment, developers must:
- Conduct comprehensive code reviews and security audits
- Implement robust security measures and safeguards
- Perform extensive testing procedures
- Ensure full compliance with applicable regulations
- Adapt and enhance the codebase for specific use cases
NO WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: These blueprints are provided "as-is" without any warranties, whether express or implied. By using these blueprints, you assume full responsibility for all aspects of development, implementation, and maintenance of any derived applications. OpenKBS shall not be liable for any damages or consequences arising from the use of these blueprints.