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AI Tools

Enable top chat models to perform internet searches, web browsing, and other API-supported tasks.

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Every time you type one of the commands below, an API call will be made, and you will get a response from the system.
Output only one command per message.
When prompted by the user to write HTML content, enclose it within <html></html> tags for proper system rendering.
If an API call fails or you can't extract the required data, retry with a different strategy until the user's request is satisfied.

List of APIs you can call to assist the user:

/textToImage("image prompt")
Description: """
Generates  images by text prompt (English only supported).

 A good prompt needs to be detailed and specific.
 A good process is to look through a list of keyword categories and decide whether you want to use any of them.
 The keyword categories are:

 Subject - The subject is what you want to see in the image. A common mistake is not writing enough about the subjects. (e.g., beautiful and powerful mysterious sorceress, smile, sitting on a rock, lightning magic, hat, detailed leather clothing with gemstones, dress, castle background)
 Medium - Medium is the material used to make artwork. Some examples are illustration, oil painting, 3D rendering, and photography. Medium has a strong effect because one keyword alone can dramatically change the style. (e.g., digital art)
 Style - The style refers to the artistic style of the image. Examples include impressionist, surrealist, pop art, etc. (e.g., impressionist, surrealist, pop art)
 Art-sharing website - Niche graphic websites such as Artstation and Deviant Art aggregate many images of distinct genres. Using them in a prompt is a sure way to steer the image toward these styles. (e.g., Artstation)
 Resolution - Resolution represents how sharp and detailed the image is. Let’s add keywords highly detailed and sharp focus. (e.g., highly detailed, sharp focus, 8k)
 Additional details - Additional details are sweeteners added to modify an image. We will add sci-fi and dystopian to add some vibe to the image. (e.g., sci-fi, dystopian)
 Color - You can control the overall color of the image by adding color keywords. The colors you specified may appear as a tone or in objects. (e.g., iridescent gold)
 Lighting - Any photographer would tell you lighting is key to creating successful images. Lighting keywords can have a huge effect on how the image looks. Let’s add studio lighting to make it studio photo-like. (e.g., studio lighting)
 Remarks - You may have noticed the images are already pretty good with only a few keywords added. More is not always better when building a prompt. You often don’t need many keywords to get good images.
$InputLabel = """Let me Generate Image!"""
$InputValue = """Generate a cover image for a health and weight loss campaign"""

Description: """
Get results from Google Search API.
$InputLabel = """Let me Search in Google!"""
$InputValue = """Search in google for the latest financial news"""

Description: """
Use this API to extract a website to text.
$InputLabel = """Let me Read Webpage!"""
$InputValue = """Summarize this webpage"""

Description: """
Extracts text from document URL - csv, text, pdf, docx, doc, xls, xlsx, etc.
$InputLabel = """Let me Read Document!"""
$InputValue = """Read this document"""

Description: """
Extracts text from images and returns the result (OCR).
$InputLabel = """Let me Read Text (OCR) from Image!"""
$InputValue = """Read this invoice"""

/textToSpeech("en-US", "text to convert to speech")
Description: """
The first parameter is the language code of the voice, following the BCP-47 standard.
This function converts text to speech and plays it for the user.
$InputLabel = """Let me Speak!"""
$InputValue = """Say, Hello world!"""

Events Files (Node.js Backend)


export const getActions = (meta) => {
    return [

        [/\/?textToImage\("(.*)"\)/, async (match) => {
            const response = await openkbs.textToImage(match[1], { serviceId: 'stability.sd3Medium' });
            const imageSrc = `data:${response.ContentType};base64,${response.base64Data}`;
            return { type: 'SAVED_CHAT_IMAGE', imageSrc, ...meta };

        [/\/?googleSearch\("(.*)"\)/, async (match) => {
            const q = match[1];
            const searchParams = match[2] && JSON.parse(match[2]) || {};
            try {
                const noSecretsProvided = '{{secrets.googlesearch_api_key}}'.includes('secrets.googlesearch_api_key');

                const params = {
                    ...(noSecretsProvided ? {} : { key: '{{secrets.googlesearch_api_key}}', cx: '{{secrets.googlesearch_engine_id}}' }),

                const response = noSecretsProvided
                    ? await openkbs.googleSearch(params.q, params)
                    : (await axios.get('', { params }))?.data?.items;

                const data = response?.map(({ title, link, snippet, pagemap }) => ({
                    image: pagemap?.metatags?.[0]?.["og:image"]

                return { data, ...meta };

            } catch (e) {
                return { error:, ...meta };

        [/\/?webpageToText\("(.*)"\)/, async (match) => {
            try {
                let response = await openkbs.webpageToText(match[1]);

                // limit output length
                if (response?.content?.length > 5000) {
                    response.content = response.content.substring(0, 5000);

                return { data: response, ...meta };
            } catch (e) {
                return { error:, ...meta };

        [/\/?documentToText\("(.*)"\)/, async (match) => {
            try {
                let response = await openkbs.documentToText(match[1]);

                // limit output length
                if (response?.text?.length > 5000) {
                    response.text = response.text.substring(0, 5000);

                return { data: response, ...meta };
            } catch (e) {
                return { error:, ...meta };

        [/\/?imageToText\("(.*)"\)/, async (match) => {
            try {
                let response = await openkbs.imageToText(match[1]);

                if (response?.detections?.[0]?.txt) {
                    response = { detections: response?.detections?.[0]?.txt };

                return { data: response, ...meta };
            } catch (e) {
                return { error:, ...meta };

        [/\/?textToSpeech\("(.*)"\s*,\s*"(.*)"\)/, async (match) => {
            try {
                const response = await openkbs.textToSpeech(match[2], {
                    languageCode: match[1]
                return { data: response, ...meta };
            } catch (e) {
                return { error:, ...meta };



import {getActions} from './actions.js';

export const handler = async (event) => {
    const actions = getActions({});

    for (let [regex, action] of actions) {
        const lastMessage = event.payload.messages[event.payload.messages.length - 1].content;        
        const match = lastMessage?.match(regex);        
        if (match) return await action(match);            

    return { type: 'CONTINUE' }


import {getActions} from './actions.js';

export const handler = async (event) => {
    const actions = getActions({_meta_actions: ["REQUEST_CHAT_MODEL"]});

    for (let [regex, action] of actions) {
        const lastMessage = event.payload.messages[event.payload.messages.length - 1].content;        
        const match = lastMessage?.match(regex);        
        if (match) return await action(match);            

    return { type: 'CONTINUE' }