Pricing Overview

At OpenKBS, customers pay only for the resources they use, ensuring cost efficiency across a diverse range of services. This model is designed to support scalability, allowing you to adjust your usage based on current needs without facing unexpected fees or charges. For every transaction on our platform, there is a nominal fee of 1 credit, equivalent to exactly $0.00001. This micro-transaction fee is part of our commitment to maintaining a transparent and fair pricing structure, ensuring that you are billed precisely for the resources consumed.

Chat Models

AI chat models are priced based on the usage of input and output tokens, calculated per 1000 tokens. A token can be a word, part of a word, or punctuation, serving as the basic unit the model processes. Input tokens are the text prompts given to the model, while output tokens are the responses generated by the model. For streaming APIs, see the TOS for token consumption differences.

Service NameVendorText InputText OutputImage InputContext Size
GPT 4 Omniopenai$0.00500 / 1K tokens$0.01500 / 1K tokens$0.00750 / image128K
GPT 4o Miniopenai$0.00020 / 1K tokens$0.00080 / 1K tokens$0.00750 / image128K
GPT 4 Turboopenai$0.01000 / 1K tokens$0.03000 / 1K tokens128K
GPT 3.5 Turboopenai$0.00050 / 1K tokens$0.00150 / 1K tokens16K
Claude 3.5 Sonnetanthropic$0.00400 / 1K tokens$0.02000 / 1K tokens200K
Claude 3 Opusanthropic$0.01500 / 1K tokens$0.07500 / 1K tokens200K
Claude 3 Sonnetanthropic$0.00300 / 1K tokens$0.01500 / 1K tokens200K
Claude 3 Haikuanthropic$0.00025 / 1K tokens$0.00125 / 1K tokens200K
Llama 3.1 405Bmeta$0.00500 / 1K tokens$0.01600 / 1K tokens120K
Llama 3.1 70Bmeta$0.00099 / 1K tokens$0.00099 / 1K tokens120K
Llama 3 70Bmeta$0.00265 / 1K tokens$0.00350 / 1K tokens8K
Llama 3 8Bmeta$0.00040 / 1K tokens$0.00060 / 1K tokens8K
Mistral Largemistral$0.00800 / 1K tokens$0.02400 / 1K tokens32K
Mixtral-8x7bmistral$0.00045 / 1K tokens$0.00070 / 1K tokens32K
Mistral 7bmistral$0.00015 / 1K tokens$0.00020 / 1K tokens32K

Image Generation

Diffusion models, which convert text descriptions into images, are priced on a per-request basis. These models leverage advanced algorithms to interpret textual prompts and generate corresponding visual content. Pricing is standardized per request, ensuring straightforward and consistent pricing.

Service NameVendorPriceDescription
Stable Diffusion 3 Medium$0.010 / requestImage generation model by Stability AI
Stable Diffusion XL 1.0$0.002 / requestImage generation model by Stability AI
Animagine XL 3.0$0.004 / requestGenerates high-quality anime images from textual prompts
Diffusers SDXL Inpaint$0.004 / requestA latent text-to-image diffusion model
Runwayml SDXL Inpaint$0.004 / requestA latent text-to-image diffusion model
Stable Diffusion XL Inpaint$0.004 / requestA latent text-to-image diffusion model
Stable Diffusion Upscaler x4$0.008 / requestUpscaler model

Embedding Models

Embeddings models are priced based on the usage of input tokens, calculated per 1000 tokens. A token can be a word, part of a word, or punctuation, serving as the basic unit the model processes. Input tokens are the text data provided to the model for generating embeddings.

Service NameVendorText InputContext Size
OpenAI Text Embedding v3 largeopenai$0.00013 / 1K tokens8K
OpenAI Text Embedding v3 smallopenai$0.00002 / 1K tokens8K

Web Tools

Web tools encompass a range of services designed to interact with web content, including search engines, webpage readers, and more. These tools are priced based on the complexity and the computational resources required for each request.

Service NameVendorPriceDescription
Google Search$0.006 / requestRetrieves search results from Google
Read Webpage$0.0048 / minuteExtracts text from web pages
GCP Text Detection$0.002 / requestExtracts text from images
Document To Text$0.0024 / minuteExtracts text from documents
Translate Text$0.00003 / characterProvides text translation and detection

Audio Models

Audio models offer capabilities ranging from speech-to-text conversion to generating synthetic speech. Pricing varies based on the model's complexity and the length of the audio processed.

Service NameVendorPriceDescription
Whisper Large v3$0.0060 / minuteExtracts text from speech
GCP Text To Speech$0.00003 / characterConverts text into natural-sounding speech

Serverless NoSQL Database

The serverless NoSQL database service is fully managed, scalable, and high-performance. Pricing is based on data storage and read/write operations. Read costs are measured in Read Units (RUs), with one RU covering items up to 4 KB. Write costs are measured in Write Units (WUs), with one WU covering items up to 1 KB.

Service NameReadWriteStorageDescription
NoSQL service$0.50 / 1M Read Units$1.50 / 1M Write Units$0.35 / GB/monthFully managed NoSQL database providing low latency at any scale
IndexedDB$0.00 / 1M Read Units$0.00 / 1M Write Units$0.00 / GB/monthIn-browser database engine
NoSQL service$1.50 / 1M Read Units$5.00 / 1M Write Units$1.00 / GB/monthDistributed search and analytics engine